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Ballet Hawaii West Classes

- New Student Inquiry
- Important Dates
- BH West Class Schedule
- Class Descriptions
- Studio Policies & Protocols
- Tuition & Payments
- Dress Code
- Dancer Responsibilities
- Get Directions
- Contact Us
Students at Ballet Hawaii are promoted to a new level after careful consideration of technical ability, physical development, age, talent, work ethic, self-discipline and maturity, commitment (attendance and adherence to dress code and classroom etiquette), and desire. Any student may be promoted with their teacher’s permission at any time, within any session throughout the year. Final approval is determined by the School and Artistic Directors.
Student Promotion System at Ballet Hawaii
Creative Movement
Entry-level ballet class for students aged 3-5. Students at this level are placed in the appropriate class using a combination of their age, coordination, maturity, attention span, and ability to follow directions.
Creative Dance
Entry-level ballet class for students aged 4-6. Students at this level are placed in the appropriate class using a combination of their age, coordination, maturity, attention span, and ability to follow directions.
Entry-level ballet class for students aged 4-6. Students at this level are placed in the appropriate class using a combination of their age, coordination, maturity, attention span, and ability to follow directions.
Ballet 1
Entry-level ballet class for students aged 6-8. Students at this level are placed in the appropriate class using a combination of their age, coordination, maturity, attention span, and ability to follow directions.
Ballet 2
Requires a minimal amount of previous ballet training – typically, students who have up to one year of previous ballet training and are at least age 7 may place in this class.
Ballet 3
Typically requires at least 1-2 years of previous ballet training. Students at this level should be at least age 8 or have had at least one year of ballet training at least 2x/week.
Ballet 4
Typically requires 2-3 years of previous ballet training with at least one year of attending classes 3x/week. Students at this level should be at least age 9.
Ballet 5
Typically requires 3-4 years of previous ballet training. Students at this level should be at least age 12. Students will be preparing for pointe in this level or are at the beginning pointe level.
Ballet 6
Typically requires 4-5 years of previous ballet training. Students at this level should be at least age 13 and have at least one year of formal pointe training.
Ballet 7
Typically requires 5-6 years of previous ballet training. Students at this level are of the intermediate pointe level.
Ballet 8
Typically requires 6-7 years of previous ballet training. Students at this level are of the advanced pointe level.
Entry-level hula class for students aged 5+.
Students should arrive 10-15 minutes prior to their scheduled class and should wait outside the door at a minimum of 6-feet of distance. For everyone’s safety, students need to be picked up immediately after the end of their scheduled class.
Please review our FULL PROTOCOL for more specific details.
Travel Policy
Please review our FULL PROTOCOL for more specific details.
Sick Policy
Please review our FULL PROTOCOL for more specific details.
Students are expected to arrive at the studio 10-15 minutes prior to their class so that they may be checked in accordingly. Any student arriving more than 5 minutes late will have their attendance marked accordingly.
If a student will be absent from class, Ballet Hawaii requires a parent/guardian to report the absence via the Jackrabbit Parent Portal PRIOR TO the start of the missed class for the absence to be recorded as “excused”. If an absence notification is received during or after a student’s class, it will be recorded as simply an absence. Only excused absences are eligible for make-ups. (Please refer to “Class ‘Make-up’ Policy” below). Note: please be advised that due to limited class sizes, we may not be able to accommodate make-up classes in person, it’s possible that the student would need to make up their class in one of our virtual Zoom classes.
What is an “Excused Absence”?
An absence is considered “excused” in the event of:
• Student is ill/injured
• Graded school activity/event
• Family emergencies
• Family vacations
• Natural disasters
and the BH front desk staff was notified of the absence prior to the start of the class.
*Ballet Hawaii takes ALL absences into consideration when casting major productions like The Nutcracker. Attending ballet class is necessary for a student’s progression and maintenance as a dancer. As excused absences are allowed to be made up, it is important that a valid excuse is provided.
Honolulu Studio: (808) 521-8600
Ballet Hawaii West Studio: (808) 469-4392
Class “Make-up” Policy
Students may make up missed classes at the level below their current level at the school in which they are registered. All make-ups must be completed before the current session ends. (Exception: Spring Session – no make-ups are allowed as our students will be rehearsing their dances for our Spring Showcase during their class time)
Cancellation of Classes
Ballet Hawaii School will be closed in case of severe weather conditions according to the Hawaii DOE School Systems closings.
Girls’ hair must be off their face and in a neat and secure bun. Any hair accessories must match the uniform leotard or be black. No jewelry except for stud earrings. No gum chewing. All students must be in proper ballet attire for class.
Creative Movement: Lavender uniform leotard, theatrical pink tights, and pink canvas ballet slippers
Creative Dance: Pink uniform leotard, theatrical pink tights, and pink canvas ballet slippers
Pre-Ballet: Light pink tank dance dress, theatrical pink tights, and pink canvas ballet slippers
Ballet 1: Light blue tank dance dress, theatrical pink tights, and pink canvas ballet slippers
Ballet 2 through 8: Uniform leotard along with theatrical pink tights, and pink canvas ballet slippers. Ballet 4 through 8 may purchase an optional uniform black skirt. Tights are never to be rolled up or worn over your leotard. No shorts or leg warmers are allowed.
Contemporary/Jazz Ballet 5, 6, 7, 8 curriculum classes:
Females – Uniform leotard, theatrical pink tights rolled up, black shorts (NO pants).
Males – White fitted ballet shirt, black ankle-length or footed tights, Dance belt.
Males: White fitted ballet shirt, black ankle-length or footed tights, black canvas ballet slippers, dance belt (if age appropriate).
Hula: Pa’u (hula skirt over your leotard) bare feet.
As a representative of the School of Ballet Hawaii, each student is encouraged to achieve the highest standards of etiquette and professionalism.
Classroom Etiquette
- Student belongings should be labeled with their names.
- No gum or candy allowed in class.
- No talking during instruction.
- No hanging on the barres at any time.
- No food or beverages (except water) allowed in the studios.
- Cellphones should be turned off and put away during class.
- Mirrors should not be touched at any time.
- Do not play or place any objects on the pianos.
- The teacher should be treated with the utmost respect at all times.
- The faculty and accompanists should be properly thanked after each class.
- Studios should be clean and tidy upon departure.
- If this general etiquette is not followed, the teacher has the right to dismiss the dancer from class.
- Students should be neat and clean with their food. Please dispose of trash in the appropriate receptacle.
Dress Code and Appearance
Due to compliance with COVID-19 protocols, dancers should come dressed in their ballet attire and will not be allowed to use the dressing rooms until further notice.
Each student is expected to secure their hair in a neat and secure bun, hair off the face at all times. For the student’s own safety, there will be no jewelry worn in class. (including watches, necklaces, and dangling earrings.) All students must be in proper ballet attire for class.
All dancers are responsible for adhering to the correct dress code for their class level. If the dancer does not have the correct attire, the student may be asked to watch the class.
It is typical to spend more than one year at each level. Your child may not be promoted every year. The changing of levels in the School is always decided with your child’s best interest and advancement in mind. If a child is promoted too soon, then he or she will miss some very valuable training. These children also struggle in the next level, which is unnecessary and even dangerous. The dancers in the School will be placed with care and consideration at all levels of training.
Each student enrolled will be evaluated by the faculty at the end of each term to assess progress and determine their placement for the following term. The first evaluations will be for Summer Session recommendations. The final evaluations will be for the following year’s placement. Progress is closely evaluated for each individual throughout the year.
Lesley Young – School Administrator:
Ballet Hawaii West Front Desk:
(808) 521-8600