Policies - Ballet Hawaii
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Tuition Payments

Students who commit to enrollment in the Fall, Winter, and Spring Sessions will be considered for roles in The Nutcracker and the annual Spring Showcase. If Session Payments are not received by the due dates below, a $25.00 late fee will be applied.


Ballet Hawaii’s Withdrawl Form, for AutoPay families must be filled out, prior to the tuition due date of the session to avoid a $25.00 admin fee.


All students pay a $30.00 annual registration fee. This is collected at the start of our Fall session. If a student drops out and then rejoins, their registration fee will be charged again. New students starting before the Fall session pay a registration fee when they enroll. If they start in the Summer session and pay the registration fee it will be waived in the Fall.


If your child is not participating in Summer session, a non-refundable deposit in the following amount is required to reserve their spot in the Fall session.

Creative Movement, Creative Dance, Pre-Ballet, & Ballet 1: $200

Ballet 2 through Ballet 4: $300

Ballet 5 through Ballet 8: $500




*For observation of class or placement class for new students ages 3+, please contact Lesley Young, School Administrator at lesley@ballethawaii.org to schedule. The placement fee is $25-$30 depending on the level of class the child is auditioning in.



Please refer to the calendar below for current tuition deadlines and other important dates.

Refund Policy

Cancellations made five days in advance of the start of a session will receive 100% refund.  THERE ARE NO REFUNDS AFTER A SESSION HAS STARTED.

Deposits made to hold class places for the Fall session, if a dancer is not participating in Summer session, are non-refundable.



If a student is late they are expected to warm themselves up and ask the teacher’s permission to join the class.



If a student must be absent from class, Ballet Hawaii requires a parent/guardian to report this absence via their school’s Jackrabbit account PRIOR TO the start of the missed class for the absence to be recorded as “excused”. If an absence notification is received during or after a student’s class, it will be recorded as simply an absence. Only excused absences are allowed to be made up. (Please refer to “Class ‘Makeup’ Policy” below).


What is an “Excused Absence”?
An absence is considered “excused” in the event of:
• Student is ill/injured
• Graded school activity/event
• Family emergencies
• Family vacations
• Natural disasters
and the BH front desk staff was notified of the absence prior to the start of the class.


*Ballet Hawaii takes ALL absences into consideration when casting major productions like The Nutcracker. Attending ballet classes is necessary for a student’s progression and maintenance as a dancer. As excused absences are allowed to be made up, it is important that a valid excuse is provided.


Class “Make-up” Policy

Students may make up missed classes in the level below their current level at the school in which they are registered.  All make-ups must be completed before the current session ends.  (Exception: Spring Session – no make-ups are allowed as our students will be rehearsing their dances for our Spring Showcase during their class time)


Cancellation of Classes

Ballet Hawaii School will be closed in case of severe weather conditions according to the Hawaii DOE School Systems closings.