Adult & Teen Open Classes - Ballet Hawaii
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Adult & Teen Open Classes

Current Adult Class Offerings & Schedule



*Doors open 15 minutes prior to the start of class for check-in.

*Teachers Subject to change

* No classes on the following Holidays: Easter Sunday, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve, New Years Day

*Beginning Pointe: Dancers must have teachers’ approval to begin pointe. Pointe shoes are not required to take this class, students may also participate using ballet slippers.

Open Class tuition, effective 1/3/2024.

– Single Class: $25

– Five-Class Bundle: $115


Bundles expire 3 months from the first date of use. To purchase 5-class bundles you must email Credit cards only please, we will not accept cash or checks.


Pre-registration is appreciated but not required.



Tuition payments will automatically be processed online through your Jackrabbit account following each class. There are no refunds.

Our Open Classes are Drop-in classes so they are listed under “Events” not “Classes” in the Parent Portal.


Open Ballet Classes are currently held exclusively at our Honolulu studios located at 735 Iwilei Road in the Dole Cannery Building (on the 2nd floor above the movie theaters).

Please see our parking map to help you locate our premises.


Minimum age (ALL Classes): Students must be at least 16 years old.


Open Class Dress Code: Ballet Flat Shoes. Ballet attire (leotard, tights, skirt) or Yoga Leggings and a form-fitted shirt.

New Procedures for our Drop-in Open Class


Are you a regular at Ballet Hawaii?



1. Keep your account up to date.

  • Login to JACKRABBIT.
  • Save payment method under BILLINGS & PAYMENTS.
  • Select auto-pay under the membership type.

2. Come to class and SIGN IN WITH THE TEACHER.



1. To see class info and pre-register.

  • Login to JACKRABBIT.
  • Click on CLASSES & EVENTS.
  • Click on FIND EVENTS.
  • Click on the date for the Open Class to view more information, such as who the teacher will be and what time or studio location the class will be held.
  • Click ADD TO CART and complete the checkout process.

2. If you must cancel a class registration please email

3. Email if you are interested in a 5-Open Class bundle.



New to Ballet Hawaii or a returning dancer who is visiting for a short time?



1. Create/re-activate your Jackrabbit online account, prior to the class you wish to drop-in.

2. Save payment method under BILLINGS & PAYMENTS.

3. Select auto-pay under the membership type.

4. Come to class and SIGN IN WITH THE TEACHER, and let them know that you have created a Jackrabbit account.

Attention Adult Beginner Students:

We are currently offering 4-week sessions for beginner adult ballet exclusively at our Honolulu studios located at 735 Iwilei Road in the Dole Cannery Building (on the 2nd floor above the movie theaters).




Session 4 – April:

Mondays: March 31, (No session on April 7), April 14, 21, 28


Fridays: April 4, 11, 18, 25

*Enrollment is open until March 30th (Monday session) and April 3rd (Friday session), 2025.


Session 5 – June:

Mondays: June 2, 9, 16, 23


Fridays: June 6, 13, 20, 27

*Enrollment is open until June 1st (Monday session) and June 5th (Friday session), 2025.


Session 6 – July:

Mondays: June 30, July 7 or 14, 21, 28

*No Friday session in July. Enrollment is open until June 29th, 2025.



Classes will be held on Monday evenings 6:45-8:00 pm OR Fridays 12:00-1:15 pm and will be taught by Jennifer Gage. Tuition for each 4-week session is $100. All participants must enroll, there will be no walk-ins allowed. *Students must be at least 16 years old to participate.


Jennifer Gage has recently moved to Oahu and is happy to be joining the Ballet Hawaii ohana! Jennifer has been teaching ballet, pointe, jazz, ballroom, contemporary, and stretching for over 25 years and performed professionally for over 30 years. Her school, NorthSide Dance Theater and professional company, Alliance Dance thrived in Chicago for 13 years where one of her specialties was encouraging adult dancers of all levels. As an instructor, she is a firm believer in Age Appropriate/Level Appropriate and enjoys creating a positive and constructive environment with dance and life.


How to Enroll:


  • Create an online Jackrabbit account and ensure your information and payment method are saved in your profile.
  • If you are a returning student, log in to your account and update your information and payment details.
  • Save your payment method under BILLINGS & PAYMENTS.
  • Select auto-pay under the membership type.
    • To see class info and pre-register:
    • Click on “ACTIVITIES”
    • Click on “FIND CLASSES”
    • Select the date for the “2025 Absolute Beginner Ballet” class to view more details, such as the teacher, time, and studio location.
    • Click ADD TO CART and complete the checkout process.


For Cancellations:
If you need to cancel a class registration prior to the start date, please email


No make-up classes, transfers, or refunds. ALL Students must set up a JR account and pay for classes prior to coming to the studio.


Please see our parking map to help you locate our premises.


Dress Code: Ballet Flat Shoes. Ballet attire (leotard, tights, skirt) or Yoga Leggings and a form-fitted shirt.


Please email with any questions.


SUNDAYS 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM

At Ballet Hawaiiʻs Honolulu Studios

$75 per Workshop date


Calling all adult dancers! Ballet Hawaii is now offering one-day workshops that give dancers the chance to explore a variety of different dance styles. No prior experience in any style is required, all levels are welcome!


Each workshop date listed below will be comprised of a combination of styles/training from 3 different categories: Jazz (Lyrical, Contemporary, Urban Jazz, etc.), Ballroom (Cha-cha, Swing, Salsa, Tango, Foxtrot, Waltz, etc), and Specialty classes (Yoga, Pilates, Stretching, Acting for Dancers, etc.)



February 16

We will explore Lyrical Jazz, Cha-cha, and Yoga for dancers this month!

*Enrollment is open until February 9, 2025


March 16

*Enrollment is open until March 9, 2025


April 27

*Enrollment is open until April 20, 2025


*Minimum of 6 dancers required per workshop.



No make-up classes, transfers, or refunds. ALL Students must set up a JR account and pay for classes prior to coming to the studio.


Clean dedicated dance shoes are recommended. No rubber-sole shoes, flip flops, or dress heels are allowed.


Students must be at least 16 years old to enroll.



How to Enroll:

  • Keep your account up to date.
    • Login to JACKRABBIT.
    • Save payment method under BILLINGS & PAYMENTS.
    • Select auto-pay under the membership type.
  • To see class info and pre-register.
    • Click on CLASSES & EVENTS.
    • Click on FIND EVENTS.
    • Click on the date for the “Adult Workshop” to view more information, such as who the teacher will be and what time or studio location the class will be held.
    • Click ADD TO CART and complete the checkout process.
  • If you must cancel a class registration please email


Please see our parking map to help you locate our premises.



Donʻt miss this performance opportunity for our adult class students! A ballet piece will be choreographed by the Instructor of the class preceding to be presented as a family-friendly, in-studio performance.



Who: Any adult taking Ballet Hawaii’s open classes (Beg/Int or Int/Adv levels) or Beginning Ballet Monday 4-week sessions.

Performance Dates: Early April (first or second weekend) at Ballet Hawaii’s Honolulu Studios

Ticket Price: $20 through Tutu Tix

All participating adults will receive ONE complimentary ticket to the performance.



Rehearsals will take place after every class, for 30-45 minutes. Students must take class consistently to participate in the performance. Class will serve as a warm-up, technical skill, and tie in with the choreography that will be worked on in the rehearsal. Rehearsal begins the week of January 6th.


Beginning Ballet Dancers

Monday Group – Ballet Class 6:45-8pm, Rehearsal 8-8:30pm

Friday Group – Ballet Class 12-1:15pm, Rehearsal 1:15-1:45pm


Beginning/Intermediate Open Class Dancers

Monday – Ballet Class 11:30-1:00 pm, Rehearsal 1:00-1:30 pm

Wednesday – Ballet Class 6:45-8:00 pm, Rehearsal 8:00-8:45 pm


Intermediate/Advanced Open Class Dancers

Tuesday – Ballet Class 10:00-11:30 am, Rehearsal 11:30-12:00 pm

Friday – Ballet 10-11:30 am, Rehearsal 11:30-12:00 pm





Participation fees cover the cost of creating and coordinating rehearsals, costuming, and producing the performance. Costuming pieces not covered by cost include tights, shoes, undergarments, and leotards.


$125 + cost of classes (for participants in 1 piece) OR $250 + cost of classes (for participants in 2 or more pieces).





Participants must commit to ALL dates for rehearsal and performance. 1-2 missed classes or rehearsals are understandable. Multiple missed dates may result in a change in their participation, including being removed from the performance if too many are missed.

Minimum of 6 dancers, Maximum of 12 in each group.


Please email to sign up!


Please email with any questions.